Week 1 of Big Game.

So Big Game project has finally started, in which we are to make a game in 10 weeks.

This first week was pretty event free. We spent a lot of time talking and discussing. Originally we were going to make a game with third person view, but we were thinking of changing it to first person to minimize the work needed for the main character. After some time we decided to make the game in first person view. We started assigning tasks and I’ll be in charge of making the model and rig for the main character.

I feel fairly confident in my abilities to make a good hands. My only experience in 3D is what we have gone through in earlier courses. I spent some time this week researching hand topology to make sure I make a good hand from the start.

The main character, Vale, picks up a device which she uses to lift up and fuse robots. In the game world the device was designed to sit on machines and used to move robots. When Vale picks it up she makes it fit on her hand.

So designing the device was a bit tricky since it had to fit on a human hand but not look designed to do it.

Design_gauntlet_01 Design_gauntlet_02

The first designs that I made where a bit too glove looking. At this stage we hadn’t really discussed how the glove worked, for example, what powered it and how it was used in the game world.

Design_gauntlet_05 Design_gauntlet_06 Design_gauntlet_07


So I spent most of my week drawing designs and researching how to rig hands for first person view games.

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